Sunday, February 6, 2011


Monday, February 7                        Storybook Players
Tuesday, February 8                        Blood Drive  1:00-6:00 PM
Friday, February 11                        Valentine Parties
Tuesday, February 15                        Last Day of Afterschool Program
Wednesday, February 16            Early Dismissal @ 1:15 PM
Thursday, February 17            Winter Special Olympics@ Wm Penn
Monday, February 21                        Presidents Day, No School
Thursday, February 24            Elementary/High School Orchestra Concert  7:30 PM
Friday, February 25                        No School/ Professional Development


RECESS POLICY:  If the air temperature or wind chill is 0 degrees or below, students will stay inside during their scheduled recesses.  Students will remain in their rooms and supervision will be provided.  The temperature is carefully monitored, and outside recesses are shortened if needed.  This typically occurs when air temperatures or the wind chill is between 1 degree and 15 degrees.  Please dress your children appropriately.  Students who are not wearing boots will stay on the hard surface playground area.  Students wearing boots, but no snowpants, can play on the playground and the equipment.  Those students who have snowpants and boots can play in the snow, on the equipment and the playground. 

LOST AND FOUND:  Please remind your child to check the lost and found if they have missing items.  Please label items so if they are lost, they can be returned to the rightful owner.

LUNCH ACCOUNTS:  You may contact the elementary office to find out how to access your child’s lunch account online and use Pay School to pay for lunches online with a credit card.

BLOOD DRIVE:   Our next Blood Drive will be held Tuesday, February 8, from 1:00-6:00. PM. on the stage off the Commons.  The Oskaloosa Elementary School PTO is working with the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center in a community outreach where parents of our students and teachers help others through blood donation.  The Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center provides blood products to our community.  The Blood Center donates $250.00 to purchase books for our school library.  What better way to be people of character by helping others through blood donation and helping our children.  Our goal is to have 40 people sign up for the blood drive.  Please  e-mail or call Dana Sereg to sign up today: or call 673-8092.

DONATIONS:  Fareway and Mahaska Rural Water donated water for our movie day in December as well as Hy-Vee.  We appreciate their support!

STORYBOOK PLAYERS: The OHS Storybook Players are coming to Oskaloosa Elementary on Monday, February 7th, to perform for the elementary students. The OHS Storybook Players are a traveling children's theatre group that focuses on promoting Character Counts and reading comprehension through acting.  Our skits for this year include: Little Red Riding Hood, Marvin's Magnificent Magical Apple, The Cub and the Crocodile, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The Storybook Players have been an extracurricular activity at the high school since 1983.

FAMILY NIGHT:  Family Night will be held Thursday, March 3, from 5:30-7:15 PM.  Families are encouraged to attend a session that focuses on reading activities in their child’s homeroom.  Each grade level will be selecting a theme.  Sessions will last 45 minutes.  Kindergarten through second grade will meet from 5:30-6:16 PM, and third through fifth from 6:30-7:15 PM.  Child care will be provided for children aged two to five in the gym.  A meal will be served from 5:30-7:00 PM.  You can eat anytime during those times.  A Save The Date note has been sent home with an RSVP.  Please return this to the school by Feb. 4.  We hope you will be able to join us for a night of fun!

CHILI COOK-OFF:  The 3rd annual Oskaloosa Education Foundation Chili Cook-off will be held Friday, February 4, at 5:45 PM in the High School Practice Gym, before the game with Pella Christian.  Three samples can be purchased for $2.00.  So put this on your calendar and support a great event!

OSKALOOSA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HEALTH FAIR:  Oskaloosa Elementary School will be hosting a Family Health Fair on Monday, February 28, from 5:30-7:30 PM, in the Commons.  Several local businesses will be on hand to provide community health information.  Further details will be sent out in the next few weeks.

KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP: Oskaloosa Elementary School will be hosting Kindergarten Round-Up on March 28, 29, 31, and April 1.  Children must be 5 years old on or before September 15, 2011, to participate in Kindergarten.  Attending Kindergarten Round-Up is extremely beneficial for students, parents, and teachers.  We look forward to meeting our incoming Kindergarten students and parents at Round-Up at the end of March.  

Thursday, December 2, 2010

 ***** WHOOPING COUGH *****

Dear Parents,

We have had a positive case of Whooping Cough (pertussis) reported in 5th grade.  Please see the attached sheet for a description of this disease.

The State Department of Health tells us that students in this specific classroom should see or call their doctors as soon as possible.  If your child is not in this classroom, but your child has symptoms, please call your doctor and let us know what action has been taken.

Kids with exposure and symptoms must stay home until they have been on medication for at least 5 days.  Please send us a note from your doctor.

Kids without symptoms may return to school tomorrow.

Please continue to watch for symptoms in your children, and call Mahaska Health Partnership Community Health (673-3257), or your doctor, or the school nurses, for questions or concerns.


Karol Little R.N.
Felicia Fuller R.N.
Elementary Nurses

NURSE NEWS:  WHOOPING COUGH            DEC. 2010               Karol Little R.N.
We have been hearing alot about whooping cough (pertussis) lately. There are many good web-sites that describe this disease, and some even have the sound of the characteristic cough.

In the recent past, we have had fewer than 5 positive cases per year in the OCS district.  Several other kids have been tested and were negative.  Some sources say we may have many cases that are undiagnosed.  If we have had more actual cases of whooping cough in the schools, then our kids' good immunity levels must have kept it in check.  Almost all school-age children have been immunized for whooping cough, but immunity does wear off about 5-10 years after the last vaccination.  Most kids get their last vaccination just before entering kindergarten. 

Whooping cough is usually not life-threatening in school-aged kids; most serious cases occur in infants under 6 months of age.  It is caused by bacteria and spread by direct contact or droplets broadcast with coughing.  It takes about 7-20 days for the disease to develop after exposure.

The first 1-2 weeks of the disease have symptoms just like a cold --- sore throat, tiredness, runny nose, dry cough.  May have a mild fever.  After about 2 weeks the disease progresses to the coughing phase, which may last for 3 weeks or even months.

The sufferer may have attacks of a choking cough that lasts from 1-2 minutes, often with gagging and vomiting and a feeling of suffocation.  These choking attacks of coughing may happen as little as twice a day or as often as fifty times a day.  Between attacks, the sufferer may not cough at all and may appear healthy.  "Whoop" is the noise that occurs between coughs when the sufferer is suddenly able to take a breath in again.  Only about half of those with whooping cough actually have a "whoop".

Diagnosis is made by taking a swab from the back of the nose and having it cultured in the lab.  This may be inaccurate, and many diagnoses are made just by noting the symptoms.

Treatment usually consists of 14 days of an antibiotic, but sometimes this doesn't make much difference, and the disease just has to run its course.  The sufferer is considered to be contagious from the first day of the first cold-like symptoms through about 3 weeks of the bad coughing (if untreated) or until after 5 days on antibiotics.  By the time this disease is positively diagnosed, most close contacts have already been exposed.  Again, it is our good immunity levels that prevent exposed kids from getting sick.

If your child has a persistent cough, please call your doctor.  Let us know if you have a positive diagnosis of whooping cough.  We will notify classmates of a positive case, but don't wait for a note from school before taking a coughing child to the doctor.

OSKY PRIDE NEWS - December 2010

Friday, December 3                             2nd Grade Vocal Concert                  2:00 PM
                                                            Bambrook, Gatton,  Grubb, Rogers
                                                            Elementary Art Show                        1:00 PM
Thursday, December 9                        5th grade Vocal Concert                    2:00 PM
                                                            Allen, Doud,Veiseth, VanWaardhuizen
Friday, December 10                           DARE Graduation                             1:45
                                                            Archer, Allen, Veiseth,VanWaardhuizen
Monday, December 13                        5th Grade Band Concert                     7:30 PM
Tuesday, December 14                        2nd Grade Vocal Concert                   2:00 PM                                                                                                Braithwaite, Jackson, Kerper, Van Zee
Wednesday, December 15                   Early Dismissal- PD                          1:15 PM
Thursday, December 16                      2nd Grade movie                                8:40 AM
                                                            3rd Grade movie                                 1:15 PM
Friday, December 17                          1st Grade movie                                  8:40 AM
                                                            4th Grade movie                                 1:15 PM
Monday, December 20                        Kindergarten movie                           8:40 AM
                                                            5th Grade movie                                 1:15 PM
Tuesday, December 21                        Kindergarten Vocal Concert              2:00 PM
                                                            Anderson, Blythe, Hersom, Miller


RECESS POLICY:  If the air temperature or wind chill is 0 degrees or below, the students will stay inside during their scheduled recesses.  The students will remain in their rooms and supervision will be provided.  The temperature is carefully monitored, and outside recesses are shortened if needed.  This typically occurs when air temperatures or wind chill is between 1 degree and 15 degrees.  Please dress your children appropriately.

NOVEMBER PBIS CELEBRATION - "Giving Back to the Community" FOOD DRIVE:  As a school we wanted to give back to the community for their support of our PBIS program, and we wanted to remind our students the importance of giving and giving back.  We collected over 2020 food items for our food drive, and our goal was 1110 which equaled one item for every student!  The food was donated to the Ecumenical Cupboard, and they said it was their biggest collection in the cupboard's history.  Way to go OES and all of our generous families!

LOST AND FOUND:   Please remind your child to check the Lost and Found for missing items.  Label coats, hats, and mittens if at all possible so they can be returned to the rightful owner.

AFTERSCHOOL MATH PROGRAM:   The afterschool math program started Tuesday, November 16, with 110 students enrolled.   Sessions run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45- 4:45. The focus of the program is developing proficiency in math skills in small group settings.  Instructors are all certified teachers.  The program will run until February 10.  The YMCA provides a snack and supervision from 3:15-3:45 PM. 

ART SHOW:   The Elementary Art Show will be held on December 2nd and 3rd from 1:00 PM until after the Lighted Parade.  It will be housed in the Iowa Building across from Brown Shoe Fit.  Please stop in to see some great art work!

ELEMENTARY BAND CONCERT:   The Elementary Band Concert will be held December 13, at 7:30 PM, at the George Daily Auditorium.  The fifth grade band students have been playing for almost two months now, and they have been using flashcards to help master their first six notes.  The students have adapted well to playing in a large group of over 80 members.  There are just a couple of weeks left before the first concert, so students should be recording their practice and meeting their goal of 90 minutes per week.

CONFLICT MANAGERS/PEER HELPERS PROGRAM:  The program is off to a great start.  5th grade students from A lunch are working with kindergarten and students from B lunch with 1st grade.  Two conflict managers go to recess, circling the playground, offering assistance to students who are having some conflict.  Two peer helpers go out to play with the students during their recess.  A 5th grade team leader is out as well and is the person that the conflict managers and peer helpers report to.  They, in turn, report to Mr. McCaulley, our 4th and 5th grade counselor who is in charge of the program. 

BLOOD DRIVE:   We had a successful Blood Drive with 40 units of blood collected.  PTO will receive a check for $250 which will be used to purchase more playground mats.  A big thank you to Dana Sereg for coordinating it.

DARE GRADUATION:   We will be holding our DARE graduation on Friday December 10th @ 1:45 PM.  Students from Mrs. Veiseth's, Mrs. Van's, Ms. Allen's and Mrs. Archer's class will be receiving their certificate for making their commitment to be drug and violence free.  As a special guest, we hope to have Lt. McClun and his K-9 partner, Nash, attend and put on a short demonstration for all to enjoy.  If you have a student in the DARE program, we would love to have you attend.  The program should be over around 2:35 PM.  DARE has been taught in Oskaloosa since1987.

HEAD LICE:   This is not a sign of poor hygiene, but just as a child may get cold germs from another child, he/she may also get lice when exposed to an infested child.  Most cases of lice (95%) are spread at sleep-overs or with very close playing, where heads are touching for long periods of time. You need to check your child thoroughly for signs of lice.  Using a lice comb is better than using your eyes only -- the comb can find lice your eyes may miss.  Lice are tiny gray-brown insects, about the size of a hyphen - .   They do not fly or jump, but can move very quickly through the hair.  On blondes, you may see tiny brown eggs, or nits, close to the scalp.  On brunettes, you may not be able to see the nits until they turn white and grow away from the scalp.  If you do find lice or nits, you need to start a two-week treatment plan, giving a daily regular shampoo, followed by a daily comb-out with a fine-toothed comb.  Lice shampoos, to which lice have developed a resistance, are optional.  Follow directions on the bottle.  Also take precautions with combs and brushes, and wash clothing, towels, and bedding used by your child. If you don't find lice, you may still want to wash your child's coat and hat, and Kindergarten sleep rug, in case they were close to an infested child.  If you do find lice, please notify the school, and notify parents of children your kids are especially close to.  Your child may return to school after all live lice are removed.  Lice treatment is not done until all nits are removed.  Any missed nits may hatch out and start the infestation all over again.  Lice-killing chemicals do not kill nits.  Please continue to check your children's heads with a lice comb each week throughout the year.

Friday, October 29, 2010


"Osky Pride Program"  Oskaloosa Elementary Grant
Parents, Friends, & Community,
Help our Elementary win the Power a Bright Future Grant!  Schools have a chance to win $50,000 or one of three $20,000 grants by popular vote.  Please go to the site below or our school Facebook page to click on the link, and cast your votes daily for Oskaloosa Elementary and our PBIS program. 
Voting runs October 5th – November 1!
Please remember to vote daily to help our school
Click on Nominee Gallery and Type “Oskaloosa” in the search box
Thank you,

10/29/10 OES News



Wednesday, November 3                        Early Dismissal-                        1:15 PM
                                                            Professional Development
Tuesday, November 9                                    Blood Drive                                      11:00 AM-6:00 PM
Thursday, November 11                        End 1st Trimester
                                                            Elem. Orchestra Concert             7:30 PM
Friday, November 12                                    No School
Tuesday, November 16                        5th Grade Vocal Concert            2:00 PM
                                                            Mrs. Archer, Mrs. Behning,                       
                                                            Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Pederson
Wednesday, November 17                        Report Cards sent home
Thursday & Friday,
November 25 & 26                                    No School-Thanksgiving Break
The Mississippi Regional Blood Center is coordinating a blood drive at Oskaloosa Elementary on November 9 from 11:00 AM-6:00 PM.  They are donating $250 to the PTO for our students.  Please contact Dana Sereg at 673-8092  or, to sign up. 

There will be a Halloween Hike at Russell Wildlife on October 30, from 7:00-9:00.  This is fun for the whole family.  Dress up in spooky costumes and hit the trails, or wander through the Prairie Maze.  Enjoy hot cider and popcorn, or go hedgeball bowling.  There is no charge for this.  If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help with the event, please contact Laura DeCook, MCCB Naturalist, at 673-3927.

Fifth grade students participated in the annual PP & P contest on Tuesday, October 26.  This was sponsored by our PTO and coordinated by Michele Rieckhoff.  Many wonderful and creative entries were on display in the afternoon for all OES students to enjoy.  The judges had the difficult task of selecting the winning entries.  There were 57 pumpkins, 157 poems, and 25 photos.  Great job, students!  Thanks go to all the PTO volunteers and teachers who helped make the event a success.

Students celebrated Red Ribbon Week, Oct. 22- 29.  Themes included “Follow Your Dreams- Don’t Do Drugs”, “Being Drug Free is No Sweat!”, and “Team Up Against Drugs”.  Students wore pajamas, sweats, and their favorite team shirts to show their support.  5th grade students will also have the DARE program this year with Officer Craig Alexander.  The DARE curriculum teaches students how to make good choices in difficult situations.

The afterschool math program will begin Tuesday, November 16.  Sessions will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45- 4:45.  Bus transportation is available.  The focus of the program is developing proficiency in math skills in small group settings.  Instructors are all certified teachers.  The program will run until February 10. 

School begins at 8:20 and ends at 3:15.  Students can enter the building at 7:50 and go to their classrooms or go to breakfast.  Breakfast is served from 7:50-8:15.  Students must be in their classroom by 8:20 or they will be counted tardy.  All doors will be secured during the day except the west entrance doors.  We ask that all parents/guardians/visitors stop by the office and sign in.  Parents and visitors will be asked to wear identification tags while in the building. 

The Oskaloosa Conflict Management Program enters it’s 20th year this fall.  Our fourth and fifth grade Conflict Managers will work with the younger students this year.  They will help kindergarten and first grade students with non-physical conflicts and will serve as role models to the younger students.  A first for this school year will be the addition of fourth and fifth grade Peer Helpers on the K-1 playground.  Peer Helpers will work with younger students by reinforcing PBIS expectations, encouraging fair play, and working with students on good friendship skills.  We came up with the idea of having fourth and fifth grade Peer Helpers earlier this fall when we noticed how helpful they were whenever they were around the younger students.  Hats off to this great group of leaders!

OES is competing for a chance to win a $50,000 grant or one of three $20,000 grants.  Other prizes are also awarded.  Our PBIS program was nominated as the program that will make a difference in our school.  You can vote for OES at through November 1, 2010.  Vote and recruit your family and friends to do the same.  We appreciate your support!

The PBIS celebration assembly was held on Thursday, Oct. 28.  The safety patrol demonstrated Halloween safety tips for students.  Then some lively competitions took place.  Students had lots of fun in the Scarecrow/Farmer Dress Up and Win It in a Minute contests.  Thanks go to all who contributed to the costumes and prizes, and a good job, safety patrol, in showing leadership.   Re-teaching responsibility, respect, safety and caring are an integral part of all PBIS assemblies as well as celebrating students’ successes in demonstrating those characteristics.

The United Way Coat Drive is underway.  “Gently used” donated items can include coats, hats, mittens, scarves, boots and snow pants.  There are a number of donation boxes at local businesses including eleven in Oskaloosa, two in New Sharon, one in Fremont and one in Eddyville.  There is no application process to receive winter clothing, just that people should take only one item per family.  The drive ends December 1.  The United Way office is located at 500 High Avenue West, Oskaloosa.

The second elementary session of Stage Academy will begin November 2.  It will last six weeks during which a script is written for the group, students learn about theatre and acting, and get to put on their own show.  Students meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:30 p.m. at the George Daily Auditorium.  Students can sign up to ride the buses over from school.  The cost is $65.  Details can be found on the website  The first session’s performance will be held Friday, October 29, at 7:00 p.m. at George Daily Auditorium.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

VOTE for OES! 10/4 - 10/8 News

Oskaloosa Elementary has responded to homecoming week and the upcoming conferences with great OSKY Pride!  Our students and staff are raising the bar in 2010, and we are very proud of them!  The students did an outstanding job at the football game last Friday, and we have tow more home football games @ home.  We have a big week coming up next week with conferences and no school on Friday.  Please make every effort you can to get to your students Parent Teacher Conference because the more we work as a team, the better educational experience your child will have.


"Osky Pride Program"  Oskaloosa Elementary Grant
Parents, Friends, & Community,
Help our Elementary win the Power a Bright Future Grant!  Schools have a chance to win $50,000 or one of three $20,000 grants by popular vote.  Please go to the site below or our school Facebook page to click on the link, and cast your votes daily for Oskaloosa Elementary and our PBIS program. 
Voting runs October 5th – November 1!
Please remember to vote daily to help our school
Click on Nominee Gallery and Type “Oskaloosa” in the search box
Thank you,
Oskaloosa Elementary
Macintosh HD:Users:manningjosh:Desktop:Oskaloosa 10/11:PBIS:PBIS Posters:Osky Poster Classroom.pdfMacintosh HD:Users:manningjosh:Desktop:Oskaloosa 10/11:PBIS:PBIS Posters:Osky Poster Hallway.pdfMacintosh HD:Users:manningjosh:Desktop:Oskaloosa 10/11:PBIS:PBIS Posters:Osky Poster Restroom.pdfMacintosh HD:Users:manningjosh:Desktop:Oskaloosa 10/11:PBIS:PBIS Posters:Osky Poster Lunchroom.pdf

Thursday, Oct. 14        Early Dismissal  12:15      Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Friday, Oct. 15              No School                          Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Wednesday, Oct. 20     Early Dismissal  1:15        Professional Development
Tuesday, Oct. 26           Pumpkins, Poetry and Photography-  5th grade
Wednesday, Oct. 27     Picture Retakes

Friendly Reminders:
- Check your students' backpacks to ensure that things are being cleaned out and to you.
- Check the lost and found during conference week for your students' lost items.
- Report cards will be handed out at conferences 

"Runt of the Litter":
Wednnesday, October 13th, Bo Eason, a former NFL player, is coming to Oskaloosa Elementary to talk about the struggles he faced in order to become and NFL football player.

At nine years old, Bo Eason took a crayon and paper and made a plan. The plan was to play professional football in the NFL and become the best in the league at his position. His lifelong plan endured a few obstacles along the way. Coming out of high school, Bo was told he was too small to play and was passed over by every college in the country. He decided to try out for a small Division II college, but after two days of practice he was sent home. Instead of packing his bags, Bo decided to stay. He showed up at practice day after day, and with his desire and perseverance he eventually earned a spot on the team. Four years and seven knee surgeries later he was the first safety chosen in the 1984 NFL Draft. He went on to play five years for the Houston Oilers.
After retiring from football, Bo brought the same zeal to his career as a writer and performer. He appeared in television and movies before writing his one-man play, “Runt of the Litter,” in which he also stars. “Runt” is based on Eason’s own life and takes place within the last hour of accomplishing his 20-Year Plan. “Runt” opened in New York to rave reviews. The New York Times named it, “One of the most powerful plays in the last decade.”
Soon to be a major motion picture, Bo is adapting “Runt” for the big screen. Frank Darabont (“The Shawshank Redemption,” “The Green Mile”) is producing. After seeing a performance of “Runt,” Leonardo DiCaprio hired Bo to write a screenplay for his company based on the 1924 Olympic Rugby Team. Eason continues to perform “Runt of the Litter” for audiences across the country, traveling to college campuses, corporations, pro sports teams and inner-city schools.

Thank you for your continued support of OES!


Mr. Manning

Monday, October 4, 2010

9/27 - 10/8 OES NEWS:

Wednesday, Oct. 6            Early Dismissal 1:15                        Professional Development
Thursday, Oct. 14            Early Dismissal  12:15            Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Friday, Oct. 15            No School                                    Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Wednesday, Oct. 20            Early Dismissal  1:15                        Professional Development
Tuesday, Oct. 26            Pumpkins, Poetry and Photography-  5th grade
Wednesday, Oct. 27            Picture Retakes

Power Bright Future Grant Opportunity:

Kathy Butler, a parent @ OES, has written a grant in an attempt to earn the school 20 or $50,000.  Please go to the site/link below, and cast your votes for Oskaloose Elementary and our PBIS program.  Voting starts October 5th!

Nominations have been submitted, and soon the voting will be up to you. Schools have the chance to win a $50,000 grant or one of three $20,000 grants.
Be sure to come back starting October 5 to vote for the nominations you think deserve to win – be sure to tell all your friends too!

We encourage Osky Elementary Indian Fans to attend extra-curricular events:  concerts, plays, football and basketball games, volleyball, cross country, etc.  Elementary students should attend with their parents or an adult and should stay seated during the events so they can enjoy them.    

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held Oct. 14, from 1:00-8:00 PM and Friday, Oct. 15, from 8:00-11:00 AM.  Notes have been sent home to confirm conference times.  This is a great time to meet with your child’s teacher(s).  Specials teachers and Title 1 teachers are available during these times to meet with you as well.  You can e-mail them to request a time or just stop by their rooms during conference times.

Our PTO sponsors this event for 5th grade students.  Students will write their poems at school and enter them in the contest.  Those students who wish to enter the photography contest take a photograph with a fall theme and enter that on their own.  The pumpkin contest is for those students who want to create their own masterpiece by decorating a pumpkin. All entries must be in before school on the day of the event. They will be on display in the commons for all elementary students to enjoy.

Oskaloosa Elementary celebrated Homecoming 2010 with some fun themes of their own.  On Monday, students hoped to put Fairfield to rest by dressing comfortably in their PJs.  Tuesday, we had quite an array of wild and goofy socks to “Sock It To Fairfield.”            Wednesday’s theme, “Put a Cap on Fairfield,” brought out some great looking hats.  Thursday’s “Make ‘em Sweat,” gave everyone the opportunity to wear their warm-ups.  The homecoming court came to classrooms to talk to students about character, Osky Pride, and what they do at the high school that ties into our positive behavior expectations for respect, responsibility, caring and safety.  Friday, Game Day, everyone was encouraged to support the Osky Indians in their Osky school gear.  Students and staff all had a lot of fun getting into the homecoming spirit.  Go Indians!

The Book Fair runs from Oct. 11-15.  The PTO has been in charge of the Book Fair and has done a fantastic job.  Jenny Braundmeier is the chairperson.  Thanks go to Jenny who made a trip to Des Moines this summer to choose 6000 books for our library with points earned from the fair!  Also, each elementary student gets to select a free book at the fall fair.  This is a great way to encourage reading. 

PTO meets the 4th Monday of every month on the stage in the commons, at 5:30 PM.  Meetings usually last about an hour.  Childcare is provided.  Carrie Bunnell is the president this year.  All parents and teachers are encouraged to attend.  It’s a great way to get involved, support the school and meet other parents.   

In case school must be cancelled, delayed, or dismissed early, announcements will be made on the following stations:  Radio-  KBOE  104.9 FM or KBOE 740 AM, WHO 1040 AM, KISS 101.5 FM, and Television-  WHO 13, KCCI 8, KTVO 3, WOI 5.  You may also sign up for e-mail notifications by going to the school website, clicking on Iowa School Alerts. and following the directions. 

Orchestra is in full swing with fourth and fifth graders.  Thirty 5th graders are preparing for their concert November 11 at the George Daily Auditorium.  They practice as a large group on Mondays and Wednesdays and have small group lessons once a week.  The 4th graders had their first large group rehearsal September 30 after three weeks of small group lessons.  There are 64 fourth grade students in orchestra.  They will also be in concert on November 11. 

Ninety fifth grade students have been selected for band.  All fifth grade students went to see the high school marching band and then tried out instruments.  They have had their first week of lessons during which they learned how to put their instrument together and make a sound.  Over the next few weeks, they will be learning more notes and getting ready for large group rehearsals.  Those will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays starting Oct. 26.

Fifth grade students were invited to be a part of a fundraising event for William Penn University Inagural activities.  Students made pottery soup bowls that will be auctioned at a luncheon on Oct. 3rd at William Penn in the PAC from 11:00-1:00.  All proceeds from this event will benefit our local Ecumenical Cupboard and William Penn’s ongoing educational efforts in Rwanda.