Monday, October 4, 2010

9/27 - 10/8 OES NEWS:

Wednesday, Oct. 6            Early Dismissal 1:15                        Professional Development
Thursday, Oct. 14            Early Dismissal  12:15            Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Friday, Oct. 15            No School                                    Parent/Teacher Conferences, Book Fair
Wednesday, Oct. 20            Early Dismissal  1:15                        Professional Development
Tuesday, Oct. 26            Pumpkins, Poetry and Photography-  5th grade
Wednesday, Oct. 27            Picture Retakes

Power Bright Future Grant Opportunity:

Kathy Butler, a parent @ OES, has written a grant in an attempt to earn the school 20 or $50,000.  Please go to the site/link below, and cast your votes for Oskaloose Elementary and our PBIS program.  Voting starts October 5th!

Nominations have been submitted, and soon the voting will be up to you. Schools have the chance to win a $50,000 grant or one of three $20,000 grants.
Be sure to come back starting October 5 to vote for the nominations you think deserve to win – be sure to tell all your friends too!

We encourage Osky Elementary Indian Fans to attend extra-curricular events:  concerts, plays, football and basketball games, volleyball, cross country, etc.  Elementary students should attend with their parents or an adult and should stay seated during the events so they can enjoy them.    

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held Oct. 14, from 1:00-8:00 PM and Friday, Oct. 15, from 8:00-11:00 AM.  Notes have been sent home to confirm conference times.  This is a great time to meet with your child’s teacher(s).  Specials teachers and Title 1 teachers are available during these times to meet with you as well.  You can e-mail them to request a time or just stop by their rooms during conference times.

Our PTO sponsors this event for 5th grade students.  Students will write their poems at school and enter them in the contest.  Those students who wish to enter the photography contest take a photograph with a fall theme and enter that on their own.  The pumpkin contest is for those students who want to create their own masterpiece by decorating a pumpkin. All entries must be in before school on the day of the event. They will be on display in the commons for all elementary students to enjoy.

Oskaloosa Elementary celebrated Homecoming 2010 with some fun themes of their own.  On Monday, students hoped to put Fairfield to rest by dressing comfortably in their PJs.  Tuesday, we had quite an array of wild and goofy socks to “Sock It To Fairfield.”            Wednesday’s theme, “Put a Cap on Fairfield,” brought out some great looking hats.  Thursday’s “Make ‘em Sweat,” gave everyone the opportunity to wear their warm-ups.  The homecoming court came to classrooms to talk to students about character, Osky Pride, and what they do at the high school that ties into our positive behavior expectations for respect, responsibility, caring and safety.  Friday, Game Day, everyone was encouraged to support the Osky Indians in their Osky school gear.  Students and staff all had a lot of fun getting into the homecoming spirit.  Go Indians!

The Book Fair runs from Oct. 11-15.  The PTO has been in charge of the Book Fair and has done a fantastic job.  Jenny Braundmeier is the chairperson.  Thanks go to Jenny who made a trip to Des Moines this summer to choose 6000 books for our library with points earned from the fair!  Also, each elementary student gets to select a free book at the fall fair.  This is a great way to encourage reading. 

PTO meets the 4th Monday of every month on the stage in the commons, at 5:30 PM.  Meetings usually last about an hour.  Childcare is provided.  Carrie Bunnell is the president this year.  All parents and teachers are encouraged to attend.  It’s a great way to get involved, support the school and meet other parents.   

In case school must be cancelled, delayed, or dismissed early, announcements will be made on the following stations:  Radio-  KBOE  104.9 FM or KBOE 740 AM, WHO 1040 AM, KISS 101.5 FM, and Television-  WHO 13, KCCI 8, KTVO 3, WOI 5.  You may also sign up for e-mail notifications by going to the school website, clicking on Iowa School Alerts. and following the directions. 

Orchestra is in full swing with fourth and fifth graders.  Thirty 5th graders are preparing for their concert November 11 at the George Daily Auditorium.  They practice as a large group on Mondays and Wednesdays and have small group lessons once a week.  The 4th graders had their first large group rehearsal September 30 after three weeks of small group lessons.  There are 64 fourth grade students in orchestra.  They will also be in concert on November 11. 

Ninety fifth grade students have been selected for band.  All fifth grade students went to see the high school marching band and then tried out instruments.  They have had their first week of lessons during which they learned how to put their instrument together and make a sound.  Over the next few weeks, they will be learning more notes and getting ready for large group rehearsals.  Those will be held on Tuesdays and Fridays starting Oct. 26.

Fifth grade students were invited to be a part of a fundraising event for William Penn University Inagural activities.  Students made pottery soup bowls that will be auctioned at a luncheon on Oct. 3rd at William Penn in the PAC from 11:00-1:00.  All proceeds from this event will benefit our local Ecumenical Cupboard and William Penn’s ongoing educational efforts in Rwanda.

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